
Bryant family members who will have their own page and archive of documents


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Gordon Eugene Bryant


Gordon Eugene Bryant

Gordon Eugene Bryant was the son of George William (Will) Bryant and Myrtle M. Gordon. He was born on 27 Jul 1929 [10]. He died on 05 Jan 1995 [10]. He is buried in Oklahoma City, OK [3].

His Social Security Number was 441-24-4483.



Pictures -

Click on images to view in high resolution.

All Pictures on this page were sent to my mother Barbara by Jaloyce Bryant - Many Thanks!

Jack Bryant (left) and Gordon Bryant (in cap) at Jack's place in Indiana getting ready to do some fishing.

Jack Bryant and Gordon Bryant fishing


Gordon Bryant and his wife Jaloyce standing with his father's picture.

Gordon Bryant with his fathers picture Jaloyce Bryant standing with her father in laws picture


**** I am currently looking for more information on the life of Gordon Bryant--- Please contact me if you would like to add information *****

Please contact me if you would like a page on the Bryant Family History web site for yourself or another family member.
